Cannabis Gummies

Make Edible Gummies With Cannabutter

Would you like to have better and healthier methods to consume your cannabis? Have you tried to do a little research about how edibles are made? You might have heard a new term going around and probably wonder what cannabutter is. If you look for more information about cannabutter, you are at the right place. We have all the details that you require and a recipe that can help you if you want to make your own.

What Is Cannabutter?

This is butter that has been infused with cannabis. It is getting more popular for both recreational and medicinal usage. In the sense that marijuana is used to be smoked, yet more individuals are inclined to consume it thanks to advances in the processing of the product to make it edible and tastier for the customers.

As opposed to smoking, marijuana is processed into butter and used for numerous recipes and baked products such as bread, cookies, and cakes. Thus, you can miss the smoking phase and ways of consuming marijuana, making you safer.

How to Make Cannabutter?

Cannabutter can be used in any baked product and replace regular butter in many. It is easy to make, and you can prepare it on your own, provided you have the required ingredients and time to prepare an excellent product that you will use in your kitchen for weeks or even months to come.

Cannabutter Recipe

This is a traditional cannabis recipe that is assured to work and offer you the effects that you would expect. It has a few requirements in terms of ingredients, and the steps themselves are likewise fairly easy to follow. As such, you will have the ability to achieve the treatment in an issue of hours, given you pay attention to each step of the preparation procedure.


  • 1lb salted butter
  • 1/4 Oz Cannabis flowers


  • Use a hand grinder and grind the cannabis such that you are entrusted to somewhat leafed cannabis.
  • Decarboxylate the ground flower
  • Melt the butter in a saucepan and add 2 mugs of water
  • Let the combination simmer
  • Add the decarboxylated cannabis and lower the heat. Mix extensively
  • Allow cooling for 2 to 3 hours
  • Sieve over a big glass bowl
  • Refrigerate overnight.

Common Cannabutter Mistakes

  • Skipping the Decarboxylation Step
  • Cannabis has to be decarboxylated before consumption
  • Over grinding the Flower
  • Cannabis implied to be cooked should not be too finely ground, and the leafy structure needs to be preserved
  • Using too much cannabis
  • Use modest amounts of cannabis in your bowl considering that edibles take longer to be absorbed
  • Infusing without Water
  • Some individuals might infuse cannabis and water without water, but water is necessary as it generates a better taste that has better effectiveness.

Many thanks for reading this article. For more interesting cannabis recipes you can check our website–

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