Everything You Need to Know About THC-O

Have you ever wished there is a stronger variation of Delta 9 (THC)? Well, THC-O might be what you were yearning for. So, what is THC-O? THC-O is short for THC-O acetate. This synthetic cannabinoid is 3 times more effective than THC and up to 5 times stronger than Delta 8 THC. It is known to create a borderline psychedelic high.

THC O is commonly referred to as the synthetic analog of THC. It is usually made by extracting Delta 8 THC from CBD and afterward synthesized to THC-O through a chemical process. The reason THC-O is more potent than THC is that it has a higher bioavailability rate.

THC-O effects might differ depending on the person to person. However, it is associated with a relaxation-inducing, body high. It also provides a sprinkle of ecstasy in addition to possibly psychedelic experiences.

Benefits of THC-O

Due to the long-lasting criminalization of cannabis, there is barely any research into the benefits of many cannabinoids like THC-O. Unscientific evidence shows that THC-O has most of the same benefits associated with THC. This includes pain relief, boosting appetites, and promoting a more well-balanced sleep-wake cycle.

The effects of THC-O may differ from person to person. For that reason, we advise trying out this cannabinoid meticulously and constantly consulting your doctor if you have any kind of worries about use.

Is THC-O Safe?

Since it is a synthetic cannabinoid, the safety of THC-O is highly disputed. One major difference between THC-O and other artificial cannabinoids is the fact that it shares a similar chemical structure to THC. See more on the differences between THC, THC-O, and THC-P.

The best method to make sure that any THC-O product you purchase is safe is to always buy from a reputable lab-tested brand like Cigalar. The process of manufacturing THC-O includes using chemical compounds and complicated processes. 

How To Use a THC-O Disposable Vape Pen?

THC-O disposable vape pens offer an easy way for people to appreciate vaping while out. They commonly include a couple of features however are easy to use. Initially, rip off the caps or wrappers from the device. Afterward, inspect it to establish a button to press. When existing and pushed, inhale the vape pen while pressing the switch.

If no switch exists, it will normally have a light that brightens while in operation. Just, breathe out stagnant air in your lungs, then gradually take a draw or puff from the device. Beginning with small puffs before going to a higher dosage. Lots of users find that approximately 2-3 seconds provides a wonderful smoke dimension.

Where to Buy THC-O Online?

At Cigalar we provide a broad variety of hemp cannabinoid products consisting of THC-O. If you would love to purchase THC-O online today take a look at our THC-O vape cartridges or thc-o disposable. All our products are laboratory tested for the lack of heavy metals, mycotoxins, and chemicals, in addition to potency.

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